Thursday, August 12, 2010

Belle & Sebastian Release Album Name

One of my favourite bands, Belle & Sebastian, has just released the album art and name for their upcoming album. Here it is below:

That's pretty much the look of every single one of their albums. They don't have a release date yet, which is annoying. but they do have a cool sort of contest going on right now. Band front man Stuart Murdoch has set up a Flickr album where people can post their own photos of your town with the album's title Write About Love scrawled on a public space (non-permanently, of course).

I'm excited to hear some new B&S, as it's been a while since The Life Pursuit. There's a nice NY Times article on Murdoch from last year, which paints him in a complicated light, but it's a fascinating read. Also, here's a link to the band's tour page, which doesn't show any Canadia dates.

Finally, here's a video of the band playing one of their new songs, I Didn't See It Coming below:

Not the best quality, but it does make me eager to hear the song for reals!

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