While both Johnston and Marvel have long asserted that they were looking at either an unknown or fresh face in the role (largely to minimize costs as Cap will be appearing not just in his own franchise, but in The Avengers films and with possible cameos in other Marvel franchises like Thor or Iron Man), the list still has fans a little wary, mainly due to the unknown acting talent and at least one seemingly bizarre choice.
John Krasinski, the actor who plays Jim on NBC's The Office, is on the list of actors coming in for a screen test. It's an odd choice, for while the actor is certainly charming and on the rise, he's known almost entirely for comedic roles and hardly fits the "look" of Steve Rogers.
Also on the list are:

Michael Cassidy (Smallville)

Patrick Flueger (The 4400, Brothers)

Scott Porter (NBC's Friday Night Lights)

and Wilson Bethel (HBO's Generation Kill)
Oddly enough, while everyone else certainly look more like the comic book version of Rogers, I think Krasinski may be a very good choice. He was excellent in the underrated dramedy Away We Go, and according to Mrs. Nerdlinger, was the best thing (other than Streep) in It's Complicated. He has proven he was small-screen likability and has played both romantic moments and moments of pathos verging on drama on The Office. He was in a sub-par movie called Leatherheads that didn't really work, but he was quite good in it and it proved he could handle close to the period we're talking about with Captain America. most importantly, he may enough audience familiarity that he could hold the big screen, something you just won't know with total unknown.
Who knows? Marvel has done fairly well with their casting so far, but this one will be a real test. Cap has to be a very commanding figure, and may be the toughest boots to fill.