Thursday, May 20, 2010

Li'l Golden Books Goes to the Movies....Inappropriately

/Film has posted some excerpts from a book being worked on by Pixar storyboard artist Josh Cooley called Movies R Fun! in which the artist depicts moments from numerous R-rated films in the style of the classic Li'l Golden Books of all our childhoods.

They are pretty awesome. Let's look at some more, shall we?

Most....depressing....Pixar film....EVER.

I love that it says "suggested Billy Batts." Next up in the film, Tommy and Jimmy "suggest" that Billy stop breathing.

Ah, Fredo. you broke my heart.

Yep, that's pretty much the most quotable movie of the last 15 years, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Billy Batts one is quite funny.